Until now I never really thought about how I could impact the value of traditional marriage. I never thought about why I should be striving to share my views about the importance of traditional marriages. These are some compelling reasons that we should stand up for traditional marriage.
Marriage is more then just an emotional union.
It is a comprehensive, exclusive, permanent union and by it man and women, together, may produce new life. Spouses hearts, minds and bodies are united in love. Families are created by this bond that lasts into the eternities. These families then form the backbone and a bridge to society. It is in these eternal units that we learn to be unselfish, to sacrifice, to nurture and give love as well as to forgive.
Wardle, L. D., The Attack on Marriage
Children benefit from having a mother and father in the home.
A traditional marriage doesn't guarantee this, but a nontraditional union does guarantee that a child will not grow up with a mother and a father in the home. Gender does matter. God created us male and female and gave us divine qualities that are designed to be complementary to one another. Mothers are to nurture their families. Fathers are to provide, preside and protect their families. Do these qualities ever cross the line and fathers nurture and mothers help provide, of course. God has taught us to work together in families to love, nurture and raise our children in righteousness.
Can we see the effects that same sex unions have on the family?
Maybe not immediately. It's not like diagnosing a broken leg. Remember back in the day when smoking was touted as cooling for your throat and even doctors in their white lab coats were telling you it was okay? How long did it take before we saw the devastating effects that smoking had on our health individually and on society as a whole. This is where same sex unions and the redefinition of marriage is heading us today.
Why don't you just go enjoy your marriage and let other do as they want?
This is a good question. At first glance redefining marriage might not seem to affect traditional marriage. That is just not so. When we redefine marriage we weaken its social meaning, the connection we have with our spouse and we further weaken or parental responsibilities. How? Think of marriage as a thick, hearty stew. It has simmered and thickened and is beautiful to behold; everyone knows the recipe. Someone comes along and adds more broth to the stew, watering it down. A few more things get added to change the taste and texture. Soon the recipe is anything goes, just throw it in the pot. It doesn't matter if it's good for you. You just want to throw it in because you can. No one makes it the same anymore. We begin to yearn for that old recipe that was nutritious and nurtured us, but no one knows what it was. The new stew just isn't as nutritious and we are yearning to get feeling better again by eating the original. It's hard to get back to that hearty, thick and satisfying dish. The original recipe no longer exists. We are all ailing.
I love this quote:
“Government policy
ought not to discourage marriage by offering a substitute relationship that
demands much less and provides much less than is needed by children and
ultimately much less than is needed by society.”
Governor Pete Wilson, California
Traditional marriage is not just between a man and a woman it is in partnership with God also. We can't let the world distort this principle. It is a compelling moral issue. If we believe in traditional marriage we must take a stance. Satan is attacking marriages and families. We need to work every day to keep our marriages strong. We need to rely on the Lord as our partner in our union. Marriage is the foundation of our society.
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