Just when you think you have this marriage thing down pride rears its ugly head. Most of us don't think it is a problem we have, but can see it in the people around us. Even our spouses. President Benson gives us some council about not letting pride enter our lives.
The Book of Mormon is a record of a fallen people. Why did they fall? Pride. In Latter day scripture we are told "Beware of pride lest ye become as the Nephites of old." D & C 38:39. Pride took down Lucifer when he asked that the glory be his in the premortal council. We are also told that the proud will burn as stubble at the end of the world. In our time both Oliver Cowdery and Emma Smith, wife of the prophet, were warned to beware of pride.
Interestingly enough, President Benson tells us that pride is a very misunderstood sin, and many are sinning in ignorance. Most of us think of pride as self centeredness, conceit, boastfulness or arrogance. The heart of pride is enmity. Hostility to God and to our fellow men. Pride pits our will against God's. The proud can not accepts the authority of God giving them direction in their lives.
C. S. Lewis tells us, "Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man." Selfishness is one of the more common faces of pride along with contention. It is contention in our families and marriages that drives the spirit away. Pride affects our relationships with God, our spouse, our children and all mankind.
We can't afford to let pride into our homes and our marriages. So what is the antidote of pride? Humility. When we humble ourselves we choose to be forgiving, to receive council, to give service and to love God and accept his will.
God wants us to be a loving people. He wants us to have strong families and marriages so that His plan will roll forth. He wants us to fulfill our divine destiny.
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